G-Force Motorsport

Friday, 14 March 2014 02:30

фото 3During the two days before the race the team was finalizing the car's settings, settling in in the service area, and passing administrative checks and scruutineering.


Wednesday, 12 March 2014 18:25

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The official first day of Italian Baja is March 13th. But G-Force Motorsport team came to Pordenone much earlier and has a test day on March 12th.


Monday, 03 March 2014 19:45


The 2nd stage of the FIA Cross Country Rallies World Cup 2014 will take place in Italy and it will be the traditional Italian Baja. This year our team is participating just in several World Cup stages while concentrating on the Russian Championship and on the preparation for the Dakar 2015. But the Italian Baja is the most favorite and the most successful competition for Boris Gadasin.


Thursday, 13 February 2014 09:20

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On the 14th of February the first stage of FIA Cross-Country World Cup and Russian Cross-Country Championship starts with the world unique winter baja Russia - Northern Forest with its snow and ice.  Two G-Force Motorsport crews will participate in the baja: Boris Gadasin/Alexey Kuzmich (№3) and Sergey Fomin/Dan Shchemel (№15).


Thursday, 05 December 2013 16:08


The new season is quite near, it’s time to take care of buying winter tyres for snow rally raids! This is especially important for the crews who participate in Baja Russia Northern Forest 2014, the first round of the FIA World Cup for Cross Country Rallies 2014. We are happy to offer you studded BF Goodrich tyres, the same as G-Force Motorsport crews use for their cars. The price is 440 euros. Please send your enquiries to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with ‘tyres order’ in subject.


Friday, 29 November 2013 17:56

G-Force Proto New Line The team has completed the test and training program of the season 2013. Last week end Boris Gadasin and Sergey Fomin took part in the training that became the final after the Portugese series. The main task was to find the best adjusments for G-Force Proto New Line suspension parameters.



Sunday, 17 November 2013 19:49


Today the founder and the Head  of G-Force Motorsport team Boris Gadasin celebrates his birthday.



Thursday, 07 November 2013 12:58

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Congratulations from G-Force Motorsport team to their sportive director Svetlana Shkhova on her birthday!

Delicate, graceful and elegant in appearance, but with a very strong character and the ability to make quick, graceful, elegant and very good decisions.

Svetlana, we wish you to be healthy and happy! Thank you for being with us!




Friday, 01 November 2013 04:13

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The first official day of Baja Portalegre consisted of administrative checks and scrutineering. G-Force Motorsport team was appointed to them in the afternoon.


All the team mates were a little nervous because the new project car came to the World Cup competition for the fist time.


Wednesday, 30 October 2013 18:28


By the moment the team has arrived to Portalegre where the administrative and the technical checks will take place tomorrow. And here are some pictures that can illustrate briefly how the team was preparing for the race.


The days before the very departure were hot...


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